Andhra Pradesh State Police List of candidates to be called for interview for the post of Warders (Male) (PC Recruitment 2008(2)
The A.P. Police came into existence along with the formation AP State. Some parts of the present Andhra Pradesh state was ruled by the Asaf Jah dynasty. Some area was for a long time under the Vijayanagar dynasty that was founded by Sri Krishnadevaraya. The organization of the police during this period was called the Kaveli System or the Hindoo Police. In each village, town, city and district were stationed officers of police with gradations of rank and numbers of retainers commensurate with their ranges, from that of the humblest Kavilgar to the most powerful Poligar. The Kavilgars were entrusted the internal security and tranquility of the state. They were armed and paid by means of contributions from every inhabitant in addition to an assessment amount. The Poligars were expected to join the king’s army in times of external danger. They were entrusted with the safety of public property and were armed with the means and paid for the purpose of protecting it. They were held responsible and questioned for all thefts, robberies, depredation, detection and apprehension of public offenders. When the British came in the 19th century they introduced a system of policing that initiated a process of transition from military diplomacy to a modernized system.
Andhra Pradesh State Police declared the following results.